Legally Different®

3.2 Human Design 101 // Understanding Your Blueprint for Success & Key HD Lingo with Lauren Kay

Episode Notes

In today’s episode of Legally Different, your host Lauren Kay shares a grounded and foundational understanding on what Human Design is and how it can be applied to you as a legal professional in your career, business and beyond.

This episode is for you if you’re brand new to Human Design or if you’re familiar and are seeking a refresher. We’ll be diving into the basics of Human Design; where it originates from and what makes up the Human Design system; how it can help you as a legal professional practically on a day to day basis and on a bigger picture level of your career journey. We’ll also be exploring the technical side of Human Design including the key elements of your chart and the typical language used.

Many professionals and entrepreneurs in the legal sphere are increasingly adopting Human Design as a personal and professional self development tool, as it holds infinite power and wisdom when navigating your career journey. Human design is essentially a written document of your soul contract. It’s a confirmation and clarity of who you are, what your purpose is, what work you’re here to do and how you’re here to do it.

When utilised, the information Human Design provides has the potential to be your superpower. It’s essentially a map of your gifts, talents, strengths, decision making, opportunities, network, communication and so much more. The more you work in alignment with your Human Design, the more you can experience flow and less resistance. 

Episode highlights:


Your Host: Lauren Kay


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