Legally Different®

3.10 Actioning change in your career: How to move through blocks & work with fears to create confidence & momentum towards your desired change- a solo episode with Lauren

Episode Notes

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Wanting to make a change in your career but can’t seem to action it? Have you been sat on the feeling for a while telling yourself you will focus on it soon? Can’t shake the feeling that there’s something else for you? I hear you -  it’s likely there’s a block in the way of your desired change.

In this episode I dig into one of the biggest blocks I see in lawyers and professionals when it comes to making a change; fear. 

This is an important one because it’s sneaky and most lawyers / professionals would say they don’t have a fear and it’s something else. In reality most, if not all, people have some kind of fear when it comes to making a change - it’s normal.

In this episode I help you to:-


Your host: Lauren Kay


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